What excites me about philosophy is how much more welcoming of optimists it is compared to other disciplines. In moral and political philosophy, you’re encouraged to think about how the world ought to be... If anything, you almost have to be an optimist. You can't let how unjust societies are deter you from trying to sketch a just one. That's rare since so many academic disciplines almost demand realism.
The trolley problem! It is unbelievable to me that so many incredibly intelligent and reasonable people think it's morally permissible to kill a person to save others. Constraints play a huge role in how I think about what we are allowed and not allowed to do... We cannot kill one to save five.
Gin and tonic! Beyond that it tastes like Sprite for adults, it reminds me of holiday dinners with my cousins. It helps that my dad makes a stellar G&T.
Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami is my favorite book. I recommend it for its profound insights into love and loss, making it relatable to many people.