What Sounds Remind You of Your Father? | KQED

"I'm a performing artist in San Francisco. The sound that reminds me most of my father is the album that he made, that we discovered after he died. It's called The Piano Styles of Trenton Cooper. Whenever I really really miss him, I throw that on and listen to all the songs he wrote for my mother, and that I grew up and went to bed every night listening to."
"The sound that makes me think of my father is Kai Ryssdal's voice. That's because every time we were in the car with him, we would be listening to NPR, begging for music, and we would hear Kai say, 'But first, let's do the numbers.' And my dad would say, 'You can wait for music. They'll do a segue, and you'll hear some music.' Luckily, I get to think of him many times each week."
"Without a doubt, the sound that reminds me most of my father is the sound of mechanical clocks. And not just one of them, the tick-tock, but hundreds of them. Our house was filled with them. I would have friends come over, and they wouldn't be able to sleep at night because the entire house was ticking and tocking, all in unison."
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