The Making and Remaking of Karl Marx's "Capital."

Karl Marx's struggle to complete his seminal work, Capital, spanned 16 years and was marked by constant rewriting and personal frustration. While Marx was initially optimistic about finishing quickly, he ultimately focused on creating a cohesive artistic whole. Despite the agony he experienced, the final product emerged as a profound analysis of economics, valuable across many fields, including socialism, political economy, history, and philosophy. The text's dense nature belies its significant impact, addressing concepts of exploitation and value in capitalism, making it essential reading for a diverse audience.
Marx's work, though his process was fraught with struggle, produced a masterpiece that intertwines philosophical depth with empirical detail, resonating across various fields.
Despite his frustrations, Marx's labor on Capital provided profound insights into capitalism, serving as a critical resource for social movements, economic analysis, and philosophical critique.
Read at The Nation