The creator of 'The Isolation Journals' on the peril of perfectionism and the creative magic of letting go

"To have a recurrence of my leukemia was my greatest fear. Painting was the thing that, quite literally, allowed me to defang that fear; it eased me through the chrysalis because I was the same person but everything was different . . . So, rather than descending into frustration, despair, or self-pity, pain became a vehicle for my creativity."
"I was brought to my knees in a way that I've never experienced before. I picked up my paintbrush and I had this chant on repeat in my head, which was: 'I release control. I surrender to the flow.' As I started to paint the ropes connecting the wooden marionette to the birds, I could feel myself being lifted; that, to me, is the power of creativity."
Read at Fast Company