Taylor Wolfe Is Just Trying To Laugh It Off Like The Rest Of Us

It just depends on the day. Last week I told my husband, Chris, 'I feel like 2 is rougher than 3.' Birdie seems so mature. And then his left town for five days and I'm like, '3 is the worst.' So it's just so confusing. And our baby just turned 1, and so now she's super mobile and she's walking and wants to do everything Birdie's doing, so I'm juggling between the one who's trying to become a toddler and the one who's trying to leave toddlerhood-ish. So I'm tired and foggy a lot.
I call it my Facebook filter, the old art. I get lost in it, though. I end up having 10 minutes of footage because I just start having these characters go back and forth. And it really does remind me of sketch writing I used to do at Second City, so it feels very character-based. Facebook can make me angry when you're like, 'Oh my gosh, this is so petty and ridiculous,' and I don't contribute to drama, but I'm the worst at lurking on it. I'm the person who reads.
Read at Scary Mommy