Every life is a trip, like being on a boat of which you are the captain, the documentary 'Flipside' tells us - or, rather, an old man in close-up speaks those words. It's the jazz photographer Herman Leonard, dispensing wisdom as he prepares for an exhibition of his pictures of musicians at a Los Angeles gallery in 2010, a few months before his death at 87 of cancer.
You may not have decided on a final destination,' Leonard continues, 'but along the route you'll stop at different ports of call. You must take control of your life and set a course in the direction you want to go. Otherwise, you are subject to unpredictable circumstances.'
After 'Target,' Wilcha mostly supported himself as a director of television commercials, with stops along the way to collect an Emmy for directing the short-lived 'This American Life' TV show, and for making a making-of documentary about Judd Apatow's film 'Funny People.'