"The 'mental load' of managing a home...refers to the behind-the-scenes work that is always happening in the background in order for the home and family to function well. It's the 901384 tabs open simultaneously in a parent's head, all day, every day. The person in the family who usually does the vast majority of this invisible labor is...the mom."
"Why do moms typically carry the majority of the family's mental load? Because we're conditioned to believe it's our 'job.' Because we grew up watching our own mom always 'do it all.' Because our society tells us we're just naturally 'better at it' than men. Because we're programmed to equate being a 'good mom' with managing everything for everyone constantly."
"Most men have 'mental load privilege' in the home... This privilege allows them to step back from the ongoing task management, often leaving women to shoulder the invisible responsibilities."