Juxtapoz Magazine - Poetry and Paintboxes in Provincetown: Documenting the Legacy of The Fine Arts Work Center

One thing is to have a good idea for a poem or image that is resonant or impactful, but that's not enough. You need something else to push against or to interrogate. Something about a place like this is that if you sit quietly enough, those things will kind of insist upon themselves.
It's a pretty remarkable creative community nestled right in the heart of a national seashore and surrounded by sand dunes, open ocean and really interesting ecosystems that have inspired artists and writers for more than a hundred years. It's also, of course, a haven for LGBTQ communities, and so there's this really interesting feeling of freedom.
As writers and artists come here, I think they're inspired by the light and landscape, but also by this incredible community of other people who are artistic practitioners.
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