Juxtapoz Magazine - Getting Dangerously Silly: An Interview with GATS

The world has been really heavy as of late, and I feel a deep need to find relief through playfulness and humor. There is a lot of risk taking in the graffiti art world I exist in... This new body of work is both a way to honor the lives of our friends that we have lost, and an offering to those that follow my work as a reminder to find ways to appreciate life in the wake of such intensity.
For every piece of my graffiti that you see, there were a bunch more that no one ever saw. That makes it hard to stay motivated and it often comes up in conversation with other artists working in the street. What constantly comes to mind is a conversation I had with N.O. Bonzo. When asked why we do this, they said, 'It's self defense for the soul.' This reinforces why I'm striving for playfulness and humor within the work.
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