"Kendra Norton's beautiful art books, Reverse Coloring books, have changed my world! My whole life, I thought I was not creative and, therefore, had zero artistic ability. Now this has become my favorite form of artistic expression. I turn on music and/or an audiobook and allow myself to go for an adventure outside of my mind, beyond my mind, if you will. This has become my favorite way to process through difficult emotions and experiences I'm working through." - K. DeWitt
"Saves me from auto logouts! My brother recommended this handy gadget. I work from home and have three monitors. When I leave my desk for lunch, the computer goes to sleep and when I come back, everything is logged out and whatever was on three monitors ends up on two. SO frustrating. This is programmable for three settings and I use it on the minimal movement so when I come back, everything is just as I left it. Revolutionary! Just remember to turn it on!" - Isaiah