Jane Austen Used Pins to Edit Her Manuscripts: Before the Word Processor & White-Out

Oxford's Bodleian Library acquired Jane Austen's manuscript of her unfinished novel 'The Watsons' in 2011. This manuscript is significant as it is one of the earliest examples of an English novel in draft form, showcasing her writing process with extensive revisions. The text is marked by crossings out and interlinear additions, indicating Austen's thoughtful editing. Writing with brown iron-gall ink, the manuscript contains elements that suggest she did not plan for a prolonged redrafting process. This document provides crucial insights into Austen's creative methods and challenges of manuscript writing.
In 2011, Oxford's Bodleian Library acquired Jane Austen's manuscript of 'The Watsons', showcasing her process of revision in one of the earliest English novel drafts.
The manuscript, filled with revisions and corrections, demonstrates Austen's meticulous writing process, using brown iron-gall ink, erasures, and interlinear additions.
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