"Okay, admittedly, I am a bit of an organization freak. I purchased two of these organizers (yes, you do need two PER drawer) to organize my underwear drawer. I agree that $20 seems like a lot to pay for a few pieces of plastic to organize a drawer no one else really sees, but...It's totally worth it. The gratification I got from being able to see exactly what I had, neatly organized, easy to find...Wow. I definitely recommend this product. And the actual dividers are well made and super easy to assemble. As a previous reviewer said, the number of times you will look at your drawer and be totally satisfied makes the price well worth it." - Brigette
"I rarely review products, but this little sponge literally changed my life! It picks up EVERYthing in one swipe! Hard water marks on your bathroom mirror, no problem! Hair clippings on your sink and counter, one swipe and they are gone! Dusty blinds? Swoosh, swoosh, swipe! And ala-presto ka-bam, like magic they are perfect and dust free! I just need one of these for my floors! I love, love, love how the sponge picks up everything and with a little running water, all the dust, hair, muck and guck just rinsed away! This will not disappoint! Thank you!" - DayDreamer
"These are actually cuter than I expected! The set of 12 labels include six blank ones so you can write your own, and six pre-written with various bathroom needs (Cotton Balls, Cotton Swabs, Cotton Pads, Hair Ties, Floss Picks, Bath Salt)."