Have You Become More Brave or More Anxious as You Age?

"With my first round of courage," says my friend Rose Reyes, "I didn't know any better. I just did. Experience now lets me strategize and lets me allow others to go for it if they have the stamina and a fully resourced first-aid kit." Her journey illustrates how maturity allows one to reassess risks and share wisdom with others, transforming recklessness into informed bravery.
Kathleen Delano explains her journey to the clarity that true courage demands: "When I was younger, death was something that happened to other people. When I was younger, I drank my courage. Now I'm mortal and sober." This contrast highlights the transition from youthful bravado to a sober understanding of life's fragilities.
Some of us, however, had to learn to feel safe enough to achieve recklessness. I had no courage whatsoever as a child. I was a scared kid... I was afraid of dogs, unfamiliar neighborhoods, the dark, and silence. It speaks to the challenges of overcoming childhood fears and becoming more courageous as an adult.
Read at Psychology Today