There had been concern when Jean and Emma got together that he was too serious, macho. I perhaps had it wrong that he had in art school driven to Chernobyl, uprooted a tree, and brought it back to France... Now he made a dance out of crumpling a wrapper, hopping up to throw it in the trash.
Possibly the tradition was not exclusively Parisian. 'They do it systematically in Greece,' Jean said.
Stefania, who came late, brought sticks of crabmeat, olives, and a two-liter bottle of Coke. Stefania was 'a musician and artiste d'art vivant,' Emma said.
"Easier," said Stefania, "I'd say artiste sonore, performeuse." Romanian, she had been living in Paris for four years and liked it... Plants remained unpacked and cast exaggerated shadows.