Gary McNair builds a one-man show around ordinary people's views on Billy Connolly, weaving his own encounter with the comedian, portraying Connolly as a charismatic 'secular god.'
Chris Grace, an Asian-American actor, pushes boundaries with a mind- and character-bending comedy show, challenging the notion that actors can do anything as long as they mean well.
Reuben Kaye hosts a late-night cabaret involving debauchery, engaging audiences before the show even starts, portraying a stunning host for a fringe event.
Sarah Keyworth delves into non-binary identity and top surgery, presenting a heartfelt comedy show based on their personal experience, exploring emotional themes and gender deconstructions.
Shamilton! creates an improvised hip-hop musical borrowing influences from Lin-Manuel Miranda, involving audience suggestions and a rap battle, showcasing on-the-fly lyricism.