Donald Trump's Second Administration Will Be As Women-Hating as Ever

"I never realized before that men hate us so much." This poignant reflection from a young organizer captures the visceral impact of the 2024 election results on women's empowerment and awareness of systemic misogyny.
"Of course, they hate immigrants, too, and I'm both." This statement illustrates the intersectionality of discrimination, highlighting the dual challenges faced by women of color in political activism.
"The six of us had spent almost every day together over the previous three months, recruiting, training, and deploying volunteers..." This captures the sense of unity and shared purpose among women leaders working towards progressive change in the face of adversity.
"Would short-term volunteers show the same discipline and dedication… as union canvassers?" This question reflects on the challenges of engaging new organizers in a political campaign that demands resilience and commitment.
Read at The Nation