Between the tragic and comic: New Wave Opera's "Night of the Living Opera" * Oregon ArtsWatch

"New Wave Opera's macabre operas at Raven's Manor showcased a uniquely Halloween-themed atmosphere, combining creative costumes with haunting narratives and interactive performances that engaged the audience fully."
"Among the operas, Lisa Neher’s 'she conjures,' explores themes of witch hunts with haunting arias, particularly through the character Grissall, who expresses deep sorrow for her wrongfully accused mother."
"The inclusion of Halloween decor and themed costumes added an immersive layer to the performance, inviting attendees to fully engage with the spooky spirit of the season."
"With their commitment to multiple performances of each piece, New Wave Opera ensured that no one missed out, highlighting their dedication to accessibility in the arts."
Read at Oregon ArtsWatch * Oregon Arts & Culture News