Promising review: "For anyone who might be skeptical, please allow me to put you at ease. If you have hyperhidrosis, meaning it can be 9 degrees outside and you're still sweating under your arms, this product has the potential to change your life. I would sweat THROUGH a sport coat before noon. Enter the Sweat Block product. I've had it for three weeks and it is life changing. I DO NOT sweat under my arms anymore. I'm still on the original box that I bought three weeks ago. I had to write a review after I was cleaning the garage today in 85-degree heat. I was sweating through my shirt on my back - BUT NOT MY UNDERARMS. It is amazing!" - Frosty McGee
Promising review: "Just got inside from 80-degree weather. I CANNOT believe I have no sweat marks. To be dramatic, this is life-changing. To be modest, this is life-changing. Haha. I was always so embarrassed going anywhere! No matter the weather I was always dripping sweat from under my arms. I was always so self-conscious, leaving parties early, known as the sweater! No more! I'm seriously so excited about this." - Liz