35 Products That'll Help Revive All The Things In Your Home That Are Currently On The Chopping Block

"I used this product for my stove because if there's one thing I dislike, it's cleaning. I have used multiple degreaser sprays, and they all are so toxic and don't work for me. But this product, oh my goodness, is legit a miracle. It doesn't have any smell. I put the paste on a cloth, clean the area, then wipe it off with a damp cloth, and voilà - magic!"
"Where have these been all my life? We purchased a couple of beautiful charcoal-gray (dyed) sheepskin rugs for both sides of our bed. It used to feel really nice to get out of bed and set your feet on them. But after many years and a couple of dogs, my reaction to putting my feet down is, 'Ew. What the heck did I just step on?' ... After our puppy had an accident, I knew I had to do something. ... I decided to try one of these wire wool brushes. HALLELUJAH! It took some muscle to thoroughly brush each rug, but wow, not only did it re-fluff and revive the wool, but it also pulled up a lot of loose dirt and anything that was stuck to the fibers."
"OMG!! This fabric shaver is the best thing since sliced bread! I was skeptical at first, but then today, I shaved all of those pesky pills on one of the twin mattresses in our guest bedroom that had pills all over it. It worked so well and was so easy to use. I highly recommend this product for anyone tired of those little fabric pills ruining their fabrics!"
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