"I have used this product three times so far and have noticed a significant difference in my hair. I had my hair colored and experienced dryness and breakage. This product was recommended by a YouTuber, so I gave it a try and am pleased. Initially, I used it every three to four days and will now use every seven days. I feel this product has made a huge difference with shedding, tangles, dryness, and breakage. I finally found something that works for my coily, 4c hair." - Tasha
"Not gonna lie, I was skeptical that this could help me. A few months ago, I decided I could bleach my hair. I burnt it to such a crisp that I've literally been wearing it up under a cap. That worked when it was winter, but now it's warm, so I needed a solution. After one treatment...my ends feel soft!! After the second time washing with it, it actually moves like it's not damaged and it is visibly SO much healthier."