23 Brides Shared Why They Called Off Their Weddings And Never Looked Back

Brides from the BuzzFeed Community shared their heart-wrenching stories about calling off their weddings at the last minute. Key reasons included disrespect from the groom’s family and unresolved personal issues, such as gambling addiction. One bride decided against marrying a man who failed to defend her family against insults from his father. Another discovered her fiancé had gambled away a substantial amount of money just before their wedding, undermining his previous progress over a serious addiction. These stories reveal the profound emotional struggles leading to last-minute wedding cancellations.
I called off my wedding one day before, for the only reason of the boy's side not respecting my family... I could not tolerate... insults spoke of my family. So, I called it off! And I am happy I did so.
When we met, he had a huge gambling problem... the DAY before our wedding, I got an alert on my phone that said a charge had gone through for $200,000.
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