17 Horrendous First Date Stories That Only Prove Dating Is An EXTREME Sport

I was catfished (before the term was invented, we called it 'Myspace angled'). It was my literal first-ever date...After 10 minutes, she finally came downstairs. She is dressed like she is going to prom and is the same woman in the pics, just about 100 pounds heavier...Fast forward a few weeks, and we have pre-freshman orientation in the summer. I met a woman who was 100% more my type there, and we clicked.
Thankfully, dinner ends quickly. But, she said, 'Oh, it's still early - didn't you say we should see a movie?' Having never been on a date before, my reaction was, 'Yes, let's see this new horror movie.' She said she wasn't a huge horror fan, so this will sink the date...She wouldn't stop calling, texting, and messaging me on AIM and Myspace. I had to block her.
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