We moved a conference halfway around the globe to avoid visa discrimination

Choosing a venue for a global academic conference entails balancing cost, quality, and accessibility, especially regarding travel visas. As visa processing times have increased significantly, like the 18-month wait for South African applicants to Canada, this has become a key barrier to participation. The International Health Economics Association (IHEA) initially selected Calgary for their 2025 congress, but after recognizing these visa-related challenges, they shifted the location to Bali, where the visa regime is less restrictive, emphasizing the need for geographical equity in attendance.
Selecting the right venue for a global conference not only involves logistical and financial considerations but also increasingly crucial factors like travel visa accessibility.
In 2023, Calgary, Canada, was chosen for the 2025 congress, but due to visa complications, the IHEA board ultimately decided on Bali, Indonesia.
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