Are we living through a polycrisis' or is it just history happening'?

In 2025, a palpable sense of dread pervades as the world faces an unprecedented series of crises, including a devastating terrorist attack, wildfires, political turmoil, and ongoing wars. This climate of calamity is characterized by the concept of 'polycrisis', where interconnected disasters exacerbate each other, resulting in distress on multiple fronts. The term illustrates how global systems are intertwined; a pandemic can destabilize economies, which in turn leads to political chaos. This interconnectedness creates a dire situation that overwhelms societies without a moment of reprieve from one catastrophe before another strikes.
Once-in-a-century disasters are happening more like once a month, all amid devastating wars and on the heels of a pandemic, leading to a relentless cycle of calamity.
The term polycrisis best captures our moment, referring to the interactions of multiple disasters that make each more overwhelming, worsening overall circumstances.
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