"I Can't Be What I Can't See" - Inspiring Young Girls in STEM: Visibility Matters | HackerNoon

The article discusses the importance of role models, particularly for women in STEM fields. The author shares her personal experience of being inspired by her older brother, a software engineer, which motivated her to pursue a similar path. She emphasizes the lack of visibility of women in STEM careers as a major barrier for young girls. The author calls for proactive engagement from engineers in schools to inspire students, presenting real-world examples of STEM careers and addressing the gender gap in the industry.
Growing up, I was lucky to have a role model right at home-my older brother. Though 10 years my senior, I always felt close to him and looked up to him.
One of the biggest barriers to young girls pursuing careers in STEM isn't necessarily a lack of interest-it's a lack of visibility. Many don't see people they relate to...
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