A prenup would've made my divorce easier. If I ever get married again, it'll be a nonnegotiable.

I married in 2016 when I was 25 mainly for practical reasons. I prioritized stability, comfort, and societal expectations over love. We stayed together for over 14 years with no kids, building successful careers in tech and achieving financial stability. We had a grounded, practical type of love - but it wasn't passionate.
I didn't realize until years after getting married that I wanted a deeper emotional connection. Over time, we grew even further apart. I found myself managing every aspect of our lives, and I was exhausted. I worked full time and managed most of our lives as a couple, including our social calendar, bills, cleaning, and more.
In my experience, a woman's labor at home is constant and daily, whereas men are usually only called upon to complete a massive project like deep cleaning once every four months. I just accepted that was how it was supposed to be.
Though my husband earned more at the start of our relationship, I quickly outpaced him. I left my tech job in 2019 and started building My Custom Bakes, a software business focused on the baking industry. I also pushed my ex-husband to quit his job because he was unhappy at work.
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