What Happens When a Woman Wronged Resorts to Violence?

When Elizabeth Flock was 20, she took a trip to Rome with friends, and the group signed up for a guided tour. At night, they traipsed from one bar to the next with their male guide before heading to the Trevi Fountain, where they tossed pennies over their shoulders into the water, a local ritual ensuring their return to the city someday. That is Flock's last memory of the evening. She woke in a dimly lit room to find herself being raped by the tour guide. She froze. I let it happen, she writes. Flock, now a journalist, did not report the rape to the police because she did not think they would help me.
The Furies of Flock's title are three women who took matters into their own hands, defending themselves in places where institutions failed to protect them.
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