Michelle Williams and Rob Delaney performed a provocative scene on a Brooklyn soundstage for a comedic portrayal of desire and dominance. Williams plays a woman discovering her dominant side at 40 while facing stage-four breast cancer. The scene, which required multiple takes of Delaney being kicked in a unique protective harness, highlights the intertwining of humor with themes of life and death. Williams described the experience as nerve-racking, reflecting the challenges of acting out such intense emotions and situations.
"I want to hit you and kick you in the dick and destroy you," said Williams, spitting out her lines like bad coffee. "Do it," said Delaney, eyes wild with lust, miming masturbation.
Her character, a stage-four breast-cancer patient, has snapped a bone in her leg and needs to be rushed to the hospital.
Williams remembers the day as "nerve-racking." "But I don't think I hurt him," she adds.
Delaney was wearing only underwear and what he describes as a "fascinating harness" - a protective bowl of sorts, "invented by some sicko".