Scientists reveal why men like breasts - fixation may be hard-wired

Researchers from the University of Wrocław have investigated the longstanding question of why straight men are attracted to breasts. Studying the Dani tribe in New Guinea, where toplessness was historically common, they compared the sexual responses of older men, who grew up with topless women, with younger men, who did not. The study found no significant differences in breast attraction or touch frequency between the two groups, suggesting an innate preference for breasts. Lead researcher Michal Stefanczyk noted that while this does not define men's preferences entirely, the data imply a natural appeal to breasts.
The two groups did not differ in terms of how frequently they touch their partner's breasts during sexual intercourse, or how sexually aroused they feel when they see naked female breasts.
Despite researching just one tribe, the findings suggest that the attraction to breasts is not merely a cultural imposition.
Many of the Dani men said breasts weren't a major factor in choosing a life partner.
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