What You Should Pay Attention To When A Restaurant Server Presents Bottled Wine - Tasting Table

We present bottles before opening to confirm we've pulled the right bottle for a guest. Quite often, wine lists have a number of different wines and vintages from the same producer, and ensuring the correct wine was retrieved for the guest is essential.
Make sure the bottle is indeed the wine and vintage you ordered. If it's a white, rose or sparkling, this is the moment to ensure the wine has been chilled and ready to enjoy.
Once the bottle has been approved, samples have been tasted, and affirmative nods shown that the wine is indeed to the liking of the guests, trained servers should place bottles to the right of the host with the wine label in clear sight.
Such rigmarole helps drinkers ensure that the wine is in fact what it is supposed to be. The presentation stage is synonymous with high-end wine culture, safeguarding against mistakes and counterfeiting.
Read at Tasting Table