How Making a Wine Documentary Brought Me Closer to Manischewitz

I got interested in wine when I started to think about every bottle as a piece of art. I'm a painter, you see, and the only thing that could make my paintings worse is if they had to depend on the weather. But that's what winemakers have to do.
I decided to chase that feeling. To learn more about wine I'd make a documentary about it. It would be a cultured COVID challenge to offset my other COVID challenge of trying to tear my pants in half through sheer force of body fat.
Paul Wagner, 25- year veteran of Napa Valley College, lecturer and educator, was one of those happier surprises. I was awed by his credentials. He's brilliant but also gracious and easy to talk to.
The fact that he was accomplished and also kind made me boil with rage. Luckily, I had in my back pocket an extremely cultured observation that was sure to resonate. So, I sai
Read at Wine Enthusiast