To display your PHP array results in a Bootstrap table, first ensure that Bootstrap CSS is included in your project. You can then use a simple HTML structure for the table, adding Bootstrap classes for styling. Utilize PHP to loop through your array and insert the data into table rows and cells appropriately. The keys like [gq_address], [gq_gametype], [gq_hostname], [players] can be mapped to specific columns in your table, creating a clean and readable format for the displayed data.
To display PHP arrays in a Bootstrap table, you can use print_r to format the array content and then embed it into the HTML structure of a Bootstrap table.
Iterate through the results from print_r in PHP and use table rows and columns to structure each data item within the Bootstrap table, maintaining proper HTML semantics.
Ensure that you're generating the table dynamically based on the array data, so it populates correctly when the page is loaded and reflects any changes in the array.
Start with the Bootstrap CSS framework linked in your HTML, build a table with <table>, <thead>, <tbody>, and use PHP to loop through your array and inject the values into the table.