Palworld Transmog - How To Change Your Armor Style

The recent update for Palworld added a transmog feature, allowing players to change armor appearances while retaining the original stats. This customization is limited to armor types already acquired and does not permit color alterations. To use this, players need to craft and place an Antique Dresser, which becomes available at level 22 for one Ancient Technology point. Interacting with the dresser enables players to customize their character's head, body, and glider, provided they have the desired armor type in their inventory.
The latest update of Palworld introduces a transmog system for armor customization, allowing players to change appearance without altering stats.
Unlock the Antique Dresser to enable armor appearance changes; you can only swap to types you already own and can't alter colors.
At level 22, you can craft the Antique Dresser, a crucial item for customizing your armor's look via the Furniture tab.
To use the transmog feature, ensure you have the desired armor type in your inventory when interacting with the Antique Dresser.
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