Jack Tavenner, affectionately known as NatsJack, passed away at 77, leaving behind a legacy of dedication to Washington Nationals baseball. A lifelong fan, he embraced the team when they relocated to D.C. in 2005, despite initially being devastated by the Senators' departure. Jack was known for his insightful scouting reports during Spring Training and his passion for meeting fellow fans. His love for baseball and pets shone through, as he named his dog after Bryce Harper. Even in the team's darkest times, he remained a beacon of optimism for fans.
His love of dogs and the younger version of Bryce Harper was the perfect combination to name his puppy at the time, 'Harper'. When Harper got sick in November, he lost him to kidney failure.
During the dark years of 2007-to-2010, Jack stayed positive in what the team was building, and even into the second rebuild that began in July of 2022 NatsJack was optimistic.