DC Will See Lots of Vermin Arrive This Spring - Washingtonian

The DC area is experiencing a notable rise in rodent populations, attributed to an unusually warm winter followed by heavy snowfall. The National Pest Management Association warns that if spring arrives early, tick activity will increase as well, posing health risks. Entomologist Chad Gore from Terminix explains that fewer hard freezes have allowed rodents to survive better, extending breeding seasons. Terminix has reported a dramatic uptick in mouse populations, with behavioral changes making them more resilient against trapping. Gore reflects on an unprecedented situation in his 19 years with the company.
If we have fewer hard freezes, or a mild winter instead of the what we traditionally get or expect, then you've got increased survival rates for pests.
This is my 19th year with the company, and I don't remember it being this bad ever, particularly when it comes to house mice.
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