One of the stories that we've been following this week is the salary cap for next year. At this time of year, the Players' Association meets with all the players as part of its fall tour and it's taken on added-on importance because there's going to be a CBA negotiation next year. One of the things that they're talking about is the salary cap which is supposed to be about $92.5 million for next year.
Well, fortunately, for the NHL, revenues have been strong. They've been very good. They've outpaced the guardrails on that salary cap. So, basically, we have two paths to follow here. Number one is they keep the cap next year around $92.5 million and then there's a huge jump the year after in 2026-27.
Or, what the players say they've kinda been told about is the possibility that the cap moves higher next year, probably around the $95 million to $97 million area. Now, there's no confirmation yet of which one is going to happen, but I'm hearing that it's definitely going to be discussed.