Beat 'em ups, once thriving in arcade culture, have seen a resurgence thanks to developers like Guard Crush Games. The studio's latest project, Absolum, combines classic beat 'em up experiences with roguelite elements, creating a unique gameplay dynamic. Lead game designer Jordi Asensio highlights the genre’s roots in the original 'rogue' experience, asserting that death in beat 'em ups mirrors the mechanics of roguelites. With professional animators enhancing graphics, Guard Crush aims to innovate and revitalize the genre while keeping its nostalgic charm.
"Beat 'em ups are a genre from the arcade where when you die you restart from the beginning, it's the original 'rogue' experience."
"We wanted to capitalize on the beat 'em up experience. So we thought about doing another game with Sega, and thought if negotiations fail we should be thinking about something else."