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"What I want to know is why players carry particular games with them; what pieces of their past developers bring into their work," says Buehner. "I think you have to understand all these different roles, perspectives, and eras to really appreciate why games resonate on a personal level." This insight captures the significance of personal history in gaming, emphasizing the deep emotional connections players form with their favorite titles.
The book strongly influenced Lost in Cult's approach to covering video game history going forward-"putting the old in conversation with the new to find a new path forward through well-trodden territory," details Abram Buehner, which highlights the importance of integrating past influences with current developments.
Lost in Cult is a U.K.-based publisher dedicated to documenting the history, art and design of video games. Last year, it released A Handheld History: A Celebration of Portable Gaming. But rather than simply provide a veritable Wiki-style walkthrough of the Game Boy and other devices, the editors decided to focus on personal essays and other stories around the tech.
Throughout the book you'll find a comprehensive history of consoles - in addition to stories capturing the human and personal side of them, from tales of bootleg Sega Dreamcast titles to the magic of midnight launches that dominated 2000s-era gaming.
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