In 'Assassin's Creed Shadows', players must navigate a challenging wanted system that is activated when they fail to prevent alarm bells from sounding during castle attacks. This feature becomes available upon unlocking Yasuke at the end of the first act. Once a player becomes wanted, powerful guardian enemies equipped with animal masks are dispatched, posing a significant threat. Players can avoid detection by using tools or ranged weapons to disable alarms, as enemies give visual signals before climbing ladders to ring these bells. Each wanted status carries serious consequences, making stealth crucial for success.
In Assassin's Creed Shadows, a player's wanted level increases upon failing to prevent an alarm bell from ringing during castle attacks, prompting powerful guardian enemies to hunt them.
To clear your wanted level in the game, players can utilize tools and ranged weapons to disable alarm bells, preventing powerful guardian enemies from entering the area.
Enemies signal the beginning of an alarm by glowing red and climbing ladders toward the bell, offering players an opportunity to stop them before they alert others.
Once the alarm is triggered, players will face tough guardian enemies and be attacked on sight by any enemies in that province, raising the stakes significantly.