Gigantamax Venusaur counters, weakness, and battle tips in Pokemon Go

Gigantamax Venusaur makes a return to Pokémon Go on March 8 and 9, presenting players with a challenging encounter. Initially difficult to counter, players now have a better understanding of strategies and counters to tackle it. As a grass- and poison-type Pokémon, Venusaur has specific weaknesses to flying-, fire-, psychic-, and ice-type moves. Suggested counters include various powerful Pokémon with optimal movesets, while also recommending certain defensive Pokémon to build support and maximize team efficiency during the battle.
Venusaur is grass- and poison-type, meaning it has four weaknesses: flying-, fire-, psychic-, and ice-type moves.
Consider bringing at least one of the following to dish out damage when Dynamaxed/Gigantamaxed: Gigantamax Charizard with Fire Spin or Dynamax Metagross with Zen Headbutt.
For defense, consider bringing one or two of these to help protect your team while building that max gauge: Gigantamax Charizard with Dragon Breath or Dynamax Articuno with Frost Breath.
Venusaur will resist fighting-, water-, grass-, electric-, and fairy-type moves, so we do not recommend using those offensively.
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