After getting giddy-upped in major fashion, Helldivers 2's Bile Titan-slaying six-shooter has now sent the community through every stage of the buff reaction Kubler-Ross model

As part of the patch, the gun had its armor penetration increased from 3 to 4, projectile damage increased from 175 to 200 and projectile durable damage increased from 35 to 70.
I love the feeling you get when you see a bile titan appear, it's that moment of 'HOLY S**T WHAT DO WE DO, WHAT CAN WE THROW AT THIS MONSTER??!!',... But now with it being some revolver shots away from dead I just don't feel that same dread and awe when seeing a bile titan. It's too fragile.
Using it vs [armour penetration four] enemies (besides hulks) is a pipedream due to the damage not being high enough. It just helps it do more damage at its intended range.
Helldivers 2's subreddit has seen players go through several other steps of what I'm dubbing the buff reaction Kübler-Ross model, or the four stages of griefing.
Read at VG247