Conan O'Brien co-hosted a panel at SXSW with Blizzard Entertainment's Johanna Faries, humorously stating his wish to appear as a character in Diablo. O'Brien reflected on his gaming experiences, notably his cameo in Death Stranding, and recognized the artistry behind game development, influenced by his son's passion for gaming. Faries presented him with a Doomhammer from World of Warcraft, which he accepted with a joke about resource use in gaming. Despite his enthusiasm, news about Diablo 5 suggests a long wait ahead for fans.
The reason I flew from Los Angeles to be here was I want to be in the next Diablo... Maybe a necromancer... My wife thought I was a necromancer.
There are thousands and thousands of people behind the scenes... artisans... And you see the same thing in gaming too... My son is 19, and he's been a gamer since he was really small.
Thank you so much... What a huge waste of resources for you and really for everyone in the gaming community.
As for the next game in the Diablo franchise, Diablo 5 doesn't seem to be in the cards anytime soon.