In Civilization 7, unlocking the Natural History civic is crucial for acquiring more artifacts. This allows players to recruit Explorers who can conduct research at Universities, built during the Exploration Age, or Museums, established during the Modern Age. After securing an Explorer, use the Research Artifacts action at these buildings to uncover excavation sites rich with artifacts from the Exploration Age. Furthermore, later progression requires studying the Hegemony civic to access additional dig sites from the Antiquity Age, with the crucial note that sites are continent-specific requiring the correct infrastructure in place.
To enhance your artifact collection in Civilization 7, unlock the Natural History civic, and ensure you have either a University or Museum in your empire.
Once the Explorer is recruited, send them to a University or Museum and choose the Research Artifacts action to reveal excavation sites.
Later, studying the Hegemony civic will allow you to discover additional dig sites that contain artifacts from the Antiquity Age.
Remember, the dig sites discovered by Universities and Museums are continent-specific, requiring proper infrastructure to unveil those locations.