Blades '68, an official supplement for the popular TTRPG Blades in the Dark, propels the setting of Doskvol into a new era characterized by themes of science, consumerism, and subtle class conflict. Created by Tim Denee, the game reimagines the gritty world a century later, where the narrative focuses on the struggles against societal perceptions of peace and progress. Players assume the roles of various archetypes, embracing their identities as rebels in a changing world. A playtest is scheduled to start on January 30, accessible via Evil Hat Games' website.
Superstition has been replaced by the superior values of science, conformity, and consumerism. It is a world at peace. Or that's what they try to tell you.
Whether you're part of a Heist Team, Hit Squad, Militants, Utopians, Racers, or Dealers, the moment is now. Everything you've dreamed of is within reach.