In the game Avowed, the Shatterscarp region offers players a quest to locate a missing cartographer named Wilfrith. The quest, titled Mapping the Living Lands, begins in the hub city of Thirdborn. Players are guided to a spire by the sea, where they deduce the cartographer's whereabouts. Wilfrith is located east of Thirdborn, near a small island marked by a cylindrical boulder. Players can loot Wilfrith's body for valuable items and a map, completing part of the quest before returning to Sanza in Paradis Hightowns to report their findings.
In the coastal region of Shatterscarp within Avowed, players must locate the missing cartographer, Wilfrith, to advance in the Mapping the Living Lands quest.
Wilfrith, the missing cartographer near a spire by the sea, is found east of Thirdborn, providing players with a quest completion opportunity.