Avowed - Full Emerald Stair Map And Points Of Interest

In Avowed, players transition to the Emerald Stair map where the story unfolds amidst the looming threat of the Dreamscourge. Unlike the confined settings of Dawnshore, Emerald Stair provides a more open landscape for exploration across six major regions, including the main city, Fior mes Iverno. As players navigate through this newly revealed terrain, they will encounter various points of interest, treasure maps, fast travel beacons, and unique quests. This setting not only enriches gameplay but also encourages extensive exploration and storytelling.
Emerald Stair is an expansive and exploratory landscape in Avowed, featuring various regions and points of interest, catering to adventurers seeking new quests.
In Emerald Stair, players can discover six distinct regions, each offering its own unique geography, quests, and treasures, with Fior mes Iverno as the key hub.
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