2K Games Has Officially Ditched Its PC Launcher

"On November 18, 2K Games quietly began sunsetting its PC games launcher and removing it entirely from all of its titles, allowing direct game launches via Steam."
"With this change, Bioshock Remastered, Bioshock 2 Remastered, Bioshock Infinite, The Quarry, and Marvel's Midnight Suns will now all launch directly into the game via Steam with no bullshit steps in between."
"Some games, like the remastered Mafia Trilogy, will take a bit more work to scrub out the 2K Games launcher, but most titles are now simple to access."
"The publisher pushed out an update on Steam that fully removed the 2K Games launcher, replacing its files with a single text file named '2kLauncherRemoved.txt.'"
Read at Kotaku