Mysterious Water Continues To Pump On 3-Block UWS Stretch: Residents Search for Answers

Water has been mysteriously appearing and flowing from a median island on Broadway between West 82nd and 83rd streets towards West 81st Street and West End Avenue, gathering garbage, splashing cars and pedestrians in the vicinity.
Residents and local stores are puzzled by the ongoing water issue, expressing concerns about the wastefulness, heaviness, and lack of clarity on the duration of the problem.
Investigations by the West Side Rag confirmed the excess water presence in the area, particularly flooding Broadway islands between West 81st and 82nd streets and West 82nd and 83rd streets.
Despite efforts to locate the source, including examining a large pipe within the median, there was no clear origin point for the water flow, prompting inquiries to relevant city departments for possible resolution.
Read at West Side Rag