What does it mean to 'queer' design?

Looking at the mainstream practice of service design today, something is clearly not working. Over the last decade, service design has evolved into a commodified brand or product-one that has been streamlined, sanitized, and codified into something devoid of personality or individuality.
At Flox Studio, we think another way forward for service design is possible. Queering design means being willing to put aside the rulebook we've been given for how to practice design, and instead entering into our work as designers with vulnerability, curiosity and co-experimentation.
We view collective well-being-not capital-as our benchmark for innovation.
In applying queer theory to service design, we are directly informed by bell hooks' articulation of queerness, with 'queer not as in being about who you are having sex with, that can be a dimension of it, but queer as being about the self that is at odds with everything around it and has to invent and create and find a place to speak and to thrive and to live.'
Read at Fast Company