Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space

Before I came up with the Transformational Projects Action Planning approach, earlier I came up with a method I called Action Planning, which incorporates design thinking and social marketing into the planning process, based on best practices I observed in Arlington County and the Tower Hamlets borough of London.
Basically, I'm interested in continuous process improvement and iterative learning applied to government and social program improvement.
I have a bunch of posts on this for government: 'Big data/Machine Learning/AI as a policy savior,' 'I get tired of all the talk about rewarding 'failure' because it shows people are trying, and won't be penalized for it,' 'Creating the right program vs. the hype of big data,' 'Does the focus on big data mean we miss the opportunity for better use of little data,' 'For a lot of 'urban problems' the issue isn't knowledge about what to do, but willingness to engage that knowledge,' 'Helping Government Learn,' and 'Positive Deviance and DC Public Schools.'
Read at Urbanplacesandspaces